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We will be having an wheel chair exhibition match at George Ward on Saturday, 6/11/11, at 10am. We want as many wheelchair people to come out on 6/11/11 and sign-up for wheelchair tennis lessons. These lessons will start on Monday, 6/13/11, at 10am. We will also have a late session at 5:30pm for the wheelchair people that are working during the day.  These lessons are being funded through Senator Linda Coleman, Director of ADA Compliance. A camcording was done by the Birmingham Park Board (Stanley Robinson) of wheelchair tennis players stroking the tennis ball at George Ward this past Thursday, 5/12/11, at 11am. There will be advertising for this program on Bright House television soon. The people pictured below from left to right are Dan Lackmann, wheelchair player, Rudy Roussel, Project Coordinator for Wheelchair Tennis, Mike Neville, wheelchair player and Coach Ken Robinson (standing). Missing from this picture is Coach Rudy Lewis.